We did our Easter shopping today. I'll start preparing some things tomorrow so that I'm not overwhelmed later on and besides, Friday is a fasting day which complicates preparation if you have to be tasting things all the time.
We'll go to the Easter vigil mass on Saturday night and have our usual assortment of foods blessed, such as:
a small Irish soda bread, with a deep cross cut into the top
4 or 5 colored eggs
a bottle of wine
a large hunk of cooked ham
& a small container of pickled beets
The idea here is to bless enough that you can go home and have yourself a little snack at 1 or 2 in the morning, whenever you get back from church.
This is the plan for Easter Lunch is:
pickled beets
stuffed cabbage rolls & mashed potatoes
roast lamb
roast potatoes
mixed salad
walnut layer cake
Then 3 hours later, you eat the whole thing again...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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